Monday, June 13, 2011

"All the hardest roads we have to walk alone" - The Avett Brothers

A month or so after I received the Freeman Grant, my roommate's pandora played a song that caught my attention. In "Pretty Girl at the Airport", one of the Avett Brothers sings "for all the hardest roads we have to walk alone." I think these lyrics sum up my trip to Thailand, along with many other life experiences. During heartbreak, loss, and other rough times, we must overcome our situations by the strength within ourselves. Although support from family, friends, and other caring individuals can make a great impact, they can only help us get back on our feet. We must have the will and ability to stay standing and walk.
I thought these lyrics related to my trip because I know that this journey is one I must take by myself. My trip gives me time for exploration, but more importantly, it gives me time for self-reflection. I hope that I can conquer my fear of change and learn how to accept the instabilities of life.
I know that I will face obstacles throughout my stay in Thailand, but these obstacles will serve as valuable lessons. I will miss my family and friends tremendously, but this is a road I must walk alone.
 photo by Chelsea Rising

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